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Queensland Waterfalls

Top 5 Sunshine Coast Waterfalls
The Sunshine Coast is renowned for its pristine beaches and coastal lifestyle, but it also has some beautiful waterfalls hidden away...

Robinson Falls
You will discover Robinson Falls, a lovely twin waterfall in Cilento Park in Nambour on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland.

Baxter Falls
Baxter Falls is a lesser-known waterfall nestled within the lush rainforest of the Kondalilla National Park, near Mapleton in the Sunshine

Kondalilla Falls
Kondalilla Falls is a stunning waterfall in the Kondallilla National Park in the Sunshine Coast Hinterland. We wandered up to see Kondalilla

Gardners Falls
Gardners Falls is a lovely waterfall and swimming hole located near Maleny in the Sunshine Coast Hinterland.

Buderim Falls
Buderim Falls is in the Buderim Forest, a 45-hectare secluded oasis on the northern side of Buderim.

Ellinjaa Falls
Ellinjaa Falls is a lovely little secluded waterfall that is part of the Waterfall Circuit, near Cairns.

Crystal Cascades
Crystal Cascades is a series of small waterfalls that flow along the creek forming pools that are surrounded by large granite boulders.

Top 5 Waterfalls near Cairns
There are so many amazing waterfalls near Cairns in Queensland, here are out Top 5 that you can swim in.

Nandroya Falls
Nandroya Falls is located in the Wooroonooran National Park, it is an absolutely stunning waterfall and the 4.2 kilometre return hike.

Queen Mary Falls
Queen Mary Falls is one of the Wonderful Waterfalls you will see on Falls Drive, along with Daggs Falls and Browns Falls.

Millstream Falls
Millstream Falls is reputedly the widest single-drop waterfall in Australia and the water spectacularly flows over the edge.

Clamshell Falls
Clamshell Falls is located in the Behana Gorge only 30 minutes drive South of Cairns.

Purling Brook Falls
Purling Brook Falls is a horsetail waterfall on the Purling Brook and is located in the Springbok National Park, part of the UNESCOWorld

Murray Falls
Murray Falls is located in the Girramay National Park between Cardwell and Tully in North Queensland. ​
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