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Waterfall Gully

Updated: Mar 15

Waterfall Gully

This 1.3-kilometre walk starts from the Waterfall Gully carpark in the Cleland National Park and takes about 30 minutes. The First Falls cascades 30 metres into the large pool below, and the Second Falls cascades 10 metres.

The Cle­land Nation­al Park con­serves an impor­tant area of bush­land sit­u­at­ed in the Ade­laide Hills. Its wonderful net­work of walk­ing and cycling trails intro­duces you to the diverse native wildlife, cul­tur­al her­itage, and spec­tac­u­lar views of the Ade­laide Hills and surrounds.

The Walk - 1.3 Kilometre Circuit - 30 Minutes - Grade 2

The bitumen track to the first falls is approximately 300 metres long, and you can enjoy a lovely clear view from the bottom of the 30-metre-high waterfall.

The track then continues steeply uphill to a lookout at the top of the first falls, where you can look down the waterfall and into the valley.

You then wander along the undulating track to Second Falls, a delightful 10-metre waterfall cascading down the rock face.

The Utopia Restaurant is located near the carpark and was built in 1912 in the style of a Swiss Chalet. This beautiful heritage-listed restaurant now offers Devonshire teas, snacks, and lunches and is a popular wedding and function venue.

There are also pic­nic areas and toi­lets located near the carpark.







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