Myrtle Gully Falls
Myrtle Gully Falls is located behind the historic Cascade Brewery in the foothills of Kunanyi/Mt Wellington.
The waterfall is a series of cascades, with the top tier dropping approx. 4 metres.
There is a lovely small bridge along the Myrtle Gully Track, where you can get a great view of the falls. Myrtle Gully Falls is also called Oakes Falls.
Myrtle Gully Falls is found on the Myrtle Gully track, which starts at the end of Old Farm Road behind the historic Cascade Brewery.
The return walk is approx. 2 kilometres on an easy-to-navigate path; once you reach the footbridge, you will see the falls.
Directions to Myrtle Gully Falls
Take A6, Macquarie St and Cascade Rd to Old Farm Rd in South Hobart for 4.1 kilometres from Hobart. Continue behind the Cascade Brewery on Old Farm Road for 2.4 kilometres until you reach the car parking area. Then, you will see the start of the Myrtle Gully Track.