Port Noarlunga - South Australia
Port Noarlunga is a picturesque seaside suburb 33 kilometres south of Adelaide. It has cafes, restaurants, antique and speciality stores, art galleries and colourful street art. The Port Noarlunga Jetty is 300 metres long and popular for swimming, fishing, snorkelling and diving.
From the end of the jetty, you can see the Port Noarlunga Reef and aquatic reserve, which forms part of the Encounter Marine Park. Lifesavers patrol the long sandy beach, and it is perfect for swimming and walking.
The Jubilee Park Adventure Playground is one of South Australia’s best playgrounds, with a large multi-level wooden fortress, slides, swings and Geronimo, a life-sized giraffe.
From the lookout on the Esplanade, you can see where the Onkaparinga River meets the sea. There are wooden steps down to Southport Beach and beautiful views of the red sandstone cliffs, river and beach.