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Cape Raoul

Updated: Jul 19

Cape Raoul

Cape Raoul is located on the Tasman Peninsula, an area of land in the southeast of Tasmania surrounded by stunning cliffs, beautiful bays, and a blue ocean. The highlight of the Tasman Peninsula is its stunning coastline; on this walk, you will see some lovely views.

We continue our mission to complete all 60 Great Short Walks of Tasmania; this time, we are at Cape Raoul, 14 kilometres, the longest one we have done so far.

The Cape Raoul Walk is one of the 60 Great

Short Walks of Tasmania

The Walk - 14 kilometres Return - 5 Hours - Grade 4

At the start of the track, there is an information board and a book to register your walk, clean your boots and follow the trail.

At the beginning of the walk, you pass over several sections of duckboards, then walk mostly uphill through the Stringybark trees and Blue Gum forest.

After walking for about half an hour (approx. 2 kilometres), you’ll reach the Cape Raoul lookout with stunning views of the coastline and the deep blue water of the Tasman Sea.

From the lookout, it is almost a continuous windy descent downhill to Cape Raoul, with several switchbacks and steps. This section is an excellent walk to Cape Raoul and pretty tough on the way back.

After walking through the covered forest, the track emerges back onto the coastline with more amazing views.

You then walk through a section of low coastal scrubby heath before you catch a glimpse of the tall walls of fluted Dolerite along the cliffs.

The track then opens to a rocky area with great views of the cliffs and several lookout spots. It's a nice spot to stop for a snack and some photos.

You then continue over the duckboard path and through the low-lying bush and coastal heathland to the Cape Raoul and Seal Bay lookouts. You will pass a large tarn, which on our hike was full of water and looked terrific.

Along the track, you come to a sign with two options: Seal Rock Lookout or Cape Raoul Lookout; both are about 5 5-minute walk.

Seal Rock Lookout

Excellent views of Cape Raoul, and you may see or hear seals basking on the rocks below.

Cape Raoul Lookout

A great viewing platform where you can look down on Cape Raoul and across the Tasman Sea.


  • Remember to register your walk at the information hut at the beginning of the walk and clean your boots.

  • Toilets are available near the car parking area.

  • A valid Tasmanian National Park pass is required.

Directions to Cape Raoul Walking Track

From Port Arthur, travel along the Arthur Highway until it becomes Nubeena Road.

Continue along Nubeena Road, then turn left onto Stormlea Road.

Follow this road to the end; this road is sealed except for the last kilometre. You will then reach the carpark and the start of the walking track.

More Places to Explore

Tasman Arch, Remarkable Cave, Bivouac Bay, Pirates Bay, Fortescue Bay, Devil's Kitchen, Tessellated Pavement, Tasman Arch, The Blowhole, Crescent Bay, Fossil Bay Lookout, Coal Mines Historic Site, Cape Pillar and Cape Hauy.

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